Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The End of my LPN Education

What a wild ride! I have to say, I have loved each and every minute of school. I can't wait to continue on and get my RN. Maybe my BSN so that I can teach. I would like that.

This last class was tough. I finished my externship clinical last Friday. It was the highlight of my school experience. I had the best instructor and I learned so much. It was great to be told, "Go be a Nurse. If you have questions for need help, find me'!!! I was at the most lovely site and everyone was so helpful and friendly. I have never seen a more team oriented place. I took care of all kinds of patients and had an experience that will be with me the rest of my life.

I never thought that I would be interested in being a hospice nurse, but what an experience that was. It was such a privilage to help usher someone out of their mortal existance. This patient was very sweet and kind. He afforded me a very satisfying experiene. Sad though it was, he taught me a great deal about death. The process was difficult, however, he remained strong in his faith and taught me many things. He was a gentle soul who went home to meet his Lord after much suffering and pain. Maybe this is my calling.

I am looking forward to being able to continue my education, find a job and help my fellow man. Corny as it may sound. . . . . . .I love being a nurse and am excited to practice. I am going to live a dream which didn't fully materialize until this very day.

I am proud of my self and I have every right to be. It has been awesome.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Last Rotation!

Well, well, well. I just finished my last rotation, Pediatrics, with a 98%. Now I am moving into the preceptor phase of my education. I have only hit the elusive 80% two times. I am really, really, really concerned about this. I only have three weeks to achieve this goal and perform my 90 hours preceptorship. I NEED a job!

I am waiting for our celebratory lunch. . . .Will have some photos and more to add later. To my BFF and Amy, thanks for yesterday. I needed that!!!!! You are the BEST!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Frustrated Rantings

Okay, I am going crazy! Three instructors for Pediatrics is two too many! My head is spinning and I am feeling overwhelmed. Preceptor is next month and I have yet to hit the elusive 80%. My mind is still boggled by the fact that I am a 4.0 student and have NO CLUE what the heck some of these questions are talking about! A lacking education? Could be.

Six weeks from graduation. I can hardly believe it! This past 15 months has flown by! I am looking forward to being on the other side of my LPN education. Everyone is getting cranky and crabby. I am pretty sure we all need a good long vacation.

Tha, Tha, That's all for now folks.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Time is Winding Down

Well, here I am at the end of the 13th month of my education. Hard to believe so much has happened. Being in nursing school is incredibly stressful in and of itself, but so many different things have happened to me on my journey.

July, 2008: Tim had his left knee replaced. He lost his job, we lost our insurance and only found this our AFTER the knee replacement.

September, 2008: Tim has right knee replaced. Two trips to the ER, one by ambulance, complications including pain, pain, pain. Cars get repossessed, a threatened eviction, turned down by SSI, Absolutely only income is short term disability, very little income. . . . .Struggle, struggle, struggle. Still somehow maintaining my 4.0 GPA.

December, 2008: Kim has pneumonia, misses one day of school, still receives A in class.

March 6, 2009: Tim has two strokes. Hospitalized for four days, no real heavy deficits, no insurance, turned down for Medicaid. Discharged by our family Dr for being unable to pay.

April 9, 2009: Tim has another stroke. Change all meds, do not repeat tests from previous strokes. More memory and cognition loss for him, frustrating for both of us!

May 29, 2009: Tim has severe BP issues, hospitalized for one week, no insurance, no family Dr, Kim still maintaining some kind of normality. Kim starting to lose it. (my sanity, tee hee)

June 6, 2009: Tim has another stroke. This one leaves him disabled on the left side with weakness and numbness, swallowing difficulties, real memory loss, Still no insurance, hospital declares us indigent. (I hate that word!) They pay for all hospital services, whew!!!!!!!!! Still no word from SSI, they take away our Food Stamps and still no medicaid. Kim's stress is building, my flight instinct is in full swing. . . . but the questions is, Where will I fly to?

Forgetting to mention my wonderful Spring Break week. My cousin very generously gives me a trip to visit her in NC. I fly out on March 29 and come home April something or other!. Helps stress level considerably. Biltmore, Mineral Salt Spa, Massage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ahhhhhh!!!!

Home, school, drama, drama, drama, drama. Helping my BFF plan wedding, stress relieving. Reflecting on my life. . . . . .No regrets, except not going to school when I was younger. Enjoying wonderful new friends, girls night out, end of class celebrations, my family, my grand babies. . .

Now here I am at the end of OB. Loved this class!!!!!! This is where I want to nurse. Maternity! It is in my blood. Good clinical although no real clinical site, figure that one out! Great theory instructor. . . . A in class, still 4.0 GPA. I am getting nervous though. What will I do when school is done? Will I be able to get a job? One decision is made, I will be staying right here where my grand babies are. Other living situations will change, but my state of residence will remain the same. Back home again in Indiana!

Summer break! The beach, study for Peds, my last real class before my preceptorship........Gotta pass that practice NCLX with an 80%. No fingernails left, can't reach my toenails. . . . . .

Summer break?????? NCLX break. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Saturday, June 6, 2009

End of Multiple Systems

The big hurrah was last Friday night. We all gathered at my humble home and enjoyed, lasagna, pizza, crazy bread, salad, cheesecake, brownies, and angel food cake. Not to mention soda! I love soda! Coca Cola specially! . . . . . .hmmm, anyway. . .

This time my two lovely daughters were inducted into the Fab 5. We had so much fun. My girls are much closer in age to the rest of the Fab 5. We gossiped, we partied, we celebrated and yes, my friends, we sang karaoke! What a great time. Oh, did I forget to mention the booty dance? Yes, the infamous booty dance was performed right there in my living room by the one, the only Audrey Anne! I must say she was simply marrrrrrvolousssss!!!! No one and I mean no one can do the booty dance like her. I laughed until I cried. Then when I saw the photos, the ones of me, I mean, I CRIED!!!!

Now we only have two classes left, OB and PEDS. I am excited to get these classes out of the way so that I can graduate. It has been the best of times, it has been the worst of times, it has been the most stressful, frustrating and angry times for me. I really can't get into all the ins and outs of what has been going on, however, I promise I will. I truly cannot believe how immature some adults (?) are!

I am still holding on to my 4.0 GPA! go Me!!!! Photos and more in near future!!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

First Failure

I am devestated! I actually received a failing grade on my first test this month. My instructor keeps saying "don't sweat it", but I do, I do, I DO!!!!! She has been trying to break my 4.0 and she may just be the winner this month. They keep saying it isn't the grade that matters, but the grade does matter to me. I guess I am just an over achieving, OCD student when it comes to my grades. My life experience has taught me sooooo much! Like, I really should have listened to my parents when they kept telling me to apply myself and I was happy to be a A/B student without any effort at all. Live and learn! Ahhh, if only I could go back!

Time is winding down. This is my last actual clinical at a clinical site. Unfortunately for me, they do not have sites for the Reproduction or Peds rotation. Darn it! My favorite (labor and delivery) and no site to practice! Too bad for me. I cannot believe that I will have been in school a year at the first of June! This time has just blown by and I have enjoyed it so, so much. I hate to see the end of the program, but I can't wait until the end of the program! I have some decisions to face head on and make soon. Buggers!

One of my very best friends is getting married in October and I will be her Matron of Honor. I am excited for her. She and the other members of the Fab 5 are just a few of my blessings from going to school. So, busy, busy, busy will be the next, three to five months! Fasten your seat belts, it is going to be a fast, bumpy ride!!!!! Oh, and use your hair products if you don't want your hair to look all yucky at the end of the ride!!!!! lol

Monday, May 4, 2009

Endocrine Down, Three to Go

Well, well, well. I finished Endocrine with my 4.0 in tact. Barely. By the skin of my teeth! This was a really difficult month!

To start my final off, there was quite the class room drama! I don't know where people received their information, but it appears that myself and others in the fab 5 are being accused of, let's call it "tattle tailing" for a lack of a better word. We were threatened with physical violence and swore at with one person using the "F" bomb at us! I thought we were all adults in this class, but I was sadly mistaken.

All I have to say about that whole thing is; Glad I only have one more class with that group and that if your conscious is bothering you, accept the guilt, because you probably are guilty! If you read the syllabus and class rules you would see that they are plainly stated. It is not my fault or anyone else's for that matter if you can't follow the rules, choose to cheat, turn in papers late, miss exams or quizzes. Hey, I am responsible only for myself and myself received a 4.0 for which I worked hard for, studied my butt off for. So to you, I say GROW UP!!!!! You know who you are!!!

From the rumor I heard, you have been brought to the attention of the Head of the Program. Not by me. I mind my own business, because I don't have time to mind yours! Also, if you have something to say to me, say to me. I appreciate one person coming to me for the information. My personal rule. . . .Don't say anything about someone behind their back that you would not say in front of them. I am 52 years old and don't have time or the energy in fact to deal with your infancy ways. . . . Advise. . . . GROW UP, MAN UP and quit yer bitching! Accept responsibility for yourself and what you do. Don't mind my business, I am doing just fine with that!

You all can BITE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ps Photos of the End of Endo Celebration